An Extension of Your Team


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Full Service

Project Management

We act on behalf of our client and provide a level of efficiency and effectiveness that will ensure the project remains on time, on budget, and is administrated to the highest standard .

Team Selection

Assist Clients as needed to identify, solicit, select and contract with the best suited contractors, consultants and design teams necessary to facilitate the project.

Streamline Communication

Provide the Client with a single point of contact to streamline the flow of communication.  Effectively managing the flow and organization of comments, inquiries, approvals and other correspondence related to a project ultimately leads to faster processing.

Team Management

Coordinate with various disciplines necessary to design and entitle the project, including engineering, land surveying, architecture, financial, legal and specialty consultants.  Specializing in maximizing productivity for virtual teams.

Map and Plan Review

Map/Plan Review

Monitor performance of mapping and design teams throughout the process of entitlement, schematic design, permit plans and all construction documents.  Review progress submittals, work closely with municipal departments to resolve issues and provide quality assurance and quality control.

Project Scheduling

Develop a Master Strategic Implementation Plan Schedule using a combination of our proprietary PM software combined with the software you already know and love. Master Schedules are integrated with Sub-Project Schedules and updated in real time as changes or other modifications are made resulting in accurate timelines and efficient coordination and processing. Typical schedules include coordination of teams and consultant tasks, required agency and municipal approvals and permit issuance.

Access your beautiful schedules on desktop or on the go via mobile.

Project Management Software
Mobile Project Management Software
Von Elgg Consulting Devices

Master Project Budgeting

Prepare project budgets and implement cost estimating, monitoring and control procedures. Provide budgetary reports to client as needed with cash flow projections.

Document Management

Implement the needed IT infrastructure to properly manage, maintain, secure and access project documents.  Establishing a foundational process for paperwork processing & cloud based dissemination.

Document Management System

Municipal Department Coordination

Identify all municipal and agency departments having jurisdictional authority over the project. Coordinate with department heads, reviewers and project leads to closely identify processing requirements and facilitate in obtaining the necessary project related approvals.

Contract/Agreement Management

Facilitate in the preparation of required agreements and contracts for the design, entitlements and approvals of the project. Review, track and monitor consultant agreements, contracts, invoices, requests for changes and change orders, as necessary. Provide oversight of the entire consultant team regarding in regard to project schedules, budgets and quality performance.

Payments & Reimbursement

Payments & Reimbursement

Track and monitor bond releases, reimbursement audits, consultant and contractor application for payment, evaluate invoices for accuracy and percentage of work completed in accordance with each contract and/or agreement.

Project Progress Reporting

Provide real-time multi-layered progress reports for all aspects of the project.  Focusing on accuracy of data and information which can be simply interpreted.

Master Budgeting Schedules
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How Can We Help Manage Your Project?